Most Bible Studies are designed to be age specific, focused on the needs of children, teens, or adults separately.

A "Households of Faith" Bible study offers…


A "Households of Faith" Bible Study:

  • is a six-week, small group Bible study meeting in a home setting, designed for mutual encouragement and learning.

  • brings the entire family - children, teens, and adults - together for the study of God's Word.

  • can include both young and old, married couples and singles, parents and grandparents.

  • can provide older believers the opportunity to encourage younger Christians as the Scriptures instruct in Titus 2.

  • can provide a casual atmosphere in which to introduce neighbors to Christ through a down-to-earth study of the Bible.

  • can help to encourage and motivate husbands and fathers in their challenging, Biblical responsibility of spiritual leadership in their families.

The studies are led by Mark Travers, who has prepared lessons that are challenging and instructive to individuals of all ages.

Households of Faith Bible Study materials include discussion starters for fostering interaction that can follow up on the weekly lessons.

Hosting a Households of Faith Bible Study

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